Saturday, February 25, 2017

More Education Excellence

According to my sister, the Living Wax Museum presented by Daulton Elementary's 2nd Grade Class was one of the best projects and presentations that she's witnessed. Basically each student chose (from a pre-selected list) a famous American - living or dead - that he or she wanted to portray as a wax museum figure. Addi's BFFs Dakota and Brielle were Dr. Mae Jamison and First Lady Michelle Obama respectively, and she chose Rosa Parks.

All the students lined the gym with orange dots on their hands. When museum visitors pressed "the button," the figure came to life and presented a brief autobiography. It was an amazing event! And that wig - and those glasses!

She also kicked off the new year with an all-star report card too.

Ashton wasn't to be outdone and was sparkling with success too. His reading skills have improved tremendously, and Mrs. Dudley sent home this notice:

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

It's the 100th Day of School: 2017

Here we go again. This time, Ashton needs a t-shirt. Addi was able to get hers completed with some help from Ash ahead of time and on schedule. Ashton, however, was a different story. Ash fell sick, and I was assigned to arts and crafts on Super Bowl Sunday on Ponzano. It didn't take long, and both shirts were super cute!

The final product 

Both shirts - the night before

100 days smarter for sure

Unfortunately, Ash didn't get a pic of the two with shirts on the morning of - by that afternoon, Ashton had picked off quite a few rocks... well, some of them probably fell off as well. It was precious while it lasted.