Friday, January 22, 2016

A Few 1st Grade Happenings

Star Student of the Week!

Add was super geeked about this award. The benefits? She got to be in charge and run the show for an entire week - first in line, teacher assistant, etc.

And her personalized poster would hang front and center in Mrs. Partington's room. Unfortunately, she contracted step throat - AGAIN - for the ??? time, so she missed out on THREE days!!!

And a bit of social studies Black History Month prep . . .

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Ashton the Hoopster

I don't know what it is about basketball, but this family is just not interested . . . in playing! This was Ashton's first attempt at organized sports. If nothing else, it was comical.

Yeah, he looks like he's gonna do something - 

Don't think we'll visit the hard courts again anytime soon, but at least there was some laughter through it all...

Official team pic - HOT MESS!