Monday, July 15, 2013

Happy Birthday, Addisyn!

Well today is the special day! My Ladybug is four years old - so hard to believe. Time has gone by quickly, and she's growing up so fast. Everyone said this would happen.

So Saturday evening we celebrated and hosted a joint party with her good friend, Ian, at Helen Wessler Play Pool in Arlington. It was hot, but the kiddos certainly didn't mind. The pool toys were a hit, and most parents took a knee-high dip to keep themselves cool and keep an eye on their little ones. Here are some of the highlights:

Poolside with Bug (thanks, Val!)

 Reese and her folks

Click here for a video summary of it all. It's my first experience creating with iMovie on my iPad as well.

And . . .  I'm really diggin' this whole augmented reality stuff. Now here is Addi's birthday moment. If you missed Bug's, here's what you need to do to see the fun:
  1. View this blog post on something other than your phone.
  2. Download the app Aurasma to your phone.
  3. Press the Search icon and type "tainty" to find my channel, Tainty's Fun.
  4. Select that channel and then Follow it.
  5. Using the view finder (middle icon), scan and hold over Addi's cake (below). It's like you were there! Cool huh?

Just good ol' fashioned fun!