Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's (Chief's) Day

We knew it was coming: dinner at Salt Grass. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good steak from time to time. However, we were all hoping for a different Father's Day chow. Daddy always picks Salt Grass. It's his day, so it was okay, and it was also Red's top choice.

Now the Allen clan was a good 45 minutes late. Apparently Bug had a major "accident" in the media room. Had to have another bath, the whole works. Can you smell it?  When they finally arrived, it was a festive time. We were excited to see Bug's "big boy" haircut too. He and Addi provided the entertainment as usual.


Hanging with Chief

I think she was giving a lesson . . .

Any day now - get up and WALK!

 In deep thought - with acorns and sticks, I'm sure.

Hanging with Tainty . . .

This never did work out - HOT MESS!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Ashton Turns 1!

Happy 1st Birthday to my favorite nephew! Okay - only nephew, but that doesn't matter.

It was a family affair with a few close friends. Special thanks to Mommy, Daddy, & Addi; Mimi & Chief; Gran; Tainty & Nay Nay; Uncle Kevin, Aunt Denise, & Kelsey; "L"; Dennis; Aunt Shanita, Uncle T, Evan, & Ian; and Sophia, Carmen, & Camryn. The party "started" at 4:00, and it was almost 8:00 before everyone  left. The birthday boy crashed around 7:00, and I was able to rock him to sleep rather quickly. Just exhausted! Here are the highlights:
Pre-party smiles

The Decorating Crew

Waiting for the festivities  . . .

Ready for cake action with Uncle T

Time for the birthday song  . . .

Now for some fun.
  1. View this blog post on another device. 
  2. Download the Aurasma app from the App Store or Google Play to your phone. 
  3. Search for "Tainty." (The actual name is Tainty's Fun.) 
  4. Select the channel and then click to "Follow." 
  5. Using the viewfinder, scan and HOLD your phone on Bug's birthday cake to watch how it went down! Cool huh?

Not feeling the cake thing (just like his big sister - ha!)

Daddy to the rescue!

All better now.

Time for presents!

Just hangin' with my girl . . .

Want to see another aura? Scan this close up of Bug's party hat! I love this app!