Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sunday Fun Day

The Crew has been battling a little sickness the past week or so.  Lots of congestion, runny noses, fever here and there - even Ash hasn't been well.  Sunday before last they had to stay home, Addi missed a week of school.  Much improvement although all is not back to 100%.  Here's a typical evening at Mimi and Chief's.

Searching for that big screen TV...

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Trick or Treat

Of course, this post is late, but this has been one LONG week at school!

Regardless, I got to take the crew trick-or-treating in Mira Lagos; Ash had a District volleyball meeting, and Red was still working when the festivities started.  Last year, Addi really didn't understand the concept, but this year was much better. By the end of the night, she was running up to doors (by herself) ringing doorbells and delivering those magic words in the correct order - "trick or treat" and "thank you".

There were a couple of extreme houses that caused Addi to jump into my arms, and some of the masks that the kiddos were wearing didn't sit well with her either. Bug slept through most of it; no costume for him, but I think he enjoyed the ride.

Before the night was over, Ash and Red caught up with us, and we finished with a bang. Lots of ground covered this year, and when it was all said and done, Minnie collected a stash that will last her for a while - that is unless her daddy eats it...

Courtesy of Mimi's iPhone
 My iPhone (And yes, some of these are real people!)